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Thursday news, part two:


Relaxing exploration game Shape of the World out on June 5
If you liked Proteus, then you'll probably enjoy Shape of the World, a procedurally-generated exploration game full of colour and relaxing music. It squeaked over its Kickstarter goal back in 2015, and now it finally has a definitive release date: June 5.


Hanzo's Scatter Arrow replacement is already getting nerfed
Overwatch's Hanzo had a rework recently, finally replacing his much-hated Scatter Arrow with a new ability: Storm Arrows. (...)
Now that the new Hanzo has been in the wild for a bit, players are finding the new Storm Arrows to be just as frustrating as the old Scatter Arrow.
"We’ve been testing some nerfs internally and have decided to make a change for the upcoming patch," Overwatch principal designer Geoff Goodman wrote on the forums.


Meet Maestro, the second Italian operator coming to Rainbow Six Siege
Ubisoft has revealed a new teaser and background information for Maestro, the second Italian operator coming to Rainbow Six Siege in Operation Para Bellum. The oldest of eight children, Maestro—real name Adriano Martello—joined the Carabinieri at 18 and earned a spot in the 1st Paratrooper Regiment, then moved to the Gruppo di Intervento Speciale (G.I.S.) and took part in joint operations in Iraq.


Destiny 2 is getting a PvP public test server this month
(...) Also coming, on May 29 if the schedule holds, is something called Crucible Labs, which sounds an awful lot like a public test server. "Crucible Labs will give every player of Destiny 2 access to experimental PvP content," Bungie explained. "We’ll then have a chance to solicit your feedback to guide our final iterations." Beyond that, there isn't a lot more detail right now, so don't bother asking PvP lead Derek Carroll for an explanation.


Another Overwatch Anniversary skin teased ahead of next week's event
Overwatch's Anniversary event kicks off next week, and Blizzard has begun teasing out the new skins that will come with the event. We've already gotten a look at a pirate-themed outfit for Junkrat, and now we have glimpse of a new Epic skin for Soldier: 76.
Update: Today's second skin has been teased out. Here's a look at Lightning Tracer, another Epic skin.


World of Tanks adds the Centurion, an Australian Army tank
Much has happened in the, uh, world of World of Tanks of late. A huge new 1.0 launch rolled out in March, introducing new revamped HD maps, a whole new map in the form of Glacier, as well as an overhaul to the engine itself.
But more recently, the game rolled out a new Australian Army tank in the form of the Centurion Mk5.1.


New Total War: Warhammer 2 DLC out this month pits High Elves against Dark Elves
Total War: Warhammer 2, the best strategy game of last year, is getting some new DLC later this month called The Queen & The Crone, which adds a legendary lord to both the High Elves and the Dark Elves alongside new quest chains.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.