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BTW, I believe the best/most objective metric for judging the ESC songs is by simply looking at the sales charts afterwards.

Because while the ESC voting is heavily influenced by various emotional factors, the actual song sales are a much better/more objective indication of how much people actually enjoy a specific song.

For example, in 2014, "Conchita Wurst" won the ESC with "Rise like a Phoenix" - but her song pretty much completely failed in the charts afterwards. The second-placed "Calm after the storm" however became an international hit.

Or has anyone ever heard the winning song from 2016 ("1944" from "Jamala"/Ukraine) again afterwards? Just a single time? "If I were sorry" from "Frans"/Sweden, which only came fifth that year, is still quite often being played on the radio over here, two years later...

So which ESC song do you believe will do best in the charts?