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Bofferbrauer2 said:

Except Trump didn't, he just cancelled the deal without discussing this with the other signatories. If he really would have wanted a rewrite he would have discussed this long before the deadline, but he didn't.

It's not even legally binding and he demanded that Iran allow IAEA to access their military bases almost a year ago ... 

Ljink96 said:

And now we'll get people bitching about gas prices again, and why they're going up. I could fill up my tank for much cheaper than it was before the deal. There must be some benefit he saw for himself by pulling out because if he didn't, the Iran deal would have still been in place like NAFTA. NAFTA benefits people like Trump, so hell no he isn't getting rid of that deal that he claims was "the worst deal ever made". The hypocrisy of this man is stunning.

Umm no, it's thanks to shale that the gas prices were lowering ... 

Has nothing to do with the deal as shown in this chart ... (gas prices started free falling six months ago before the deal was announced)