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Stromprophet said: windbane said: Exactly, Stromprophet. I know a lot of people that had a problem with Halo 2 that loved Halo 1. Also, many look at Halo 3 screens and notice it doesn't look that great. Did you like the addition of the blade? The blade was ok, except how they made you use it. You should have been able to carry a gun and use the blade at the same time. Also the whole pressing the joystick down to lunge with the blade was kind of tiresome IMO. I guess to me that's one thing I felt was lacking in Halo 2, close quarters melee combat. Which I was extremely good at in Halo 1. I just felt like if I hit someone with a weapon it wasn't going to do the kind of damage it should so why bother using it? Also the fact that you remember the computer can always kill you with one swing of the blade on any difficulty level, yet it takes you many attempts to kill someone with it. I hate that crap. Which reminds me that Devs sometimes are lazy and make the difficulty levels harder simply by adding more bad guys or making you do less damage with your weapons when they should actually make the AI more intelligent instead.
Always thought Hijacking threads was a form of Trolling!! *Eyes windbane and stromprophet

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