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"Trump deserves the principal credit because this is basically North Korea conceding to indirect American pressure on that front."

Tbh I think South Korea diplomatics had much more to do with it, than anything the US has done.

"-In Iraq, we first supplied Saddam Hussein's police state with various weapons of mass destruction and didn't bat an eye when he used them against Iranian civilians in huge numbers. But after he threatened our access to Middle Eastern oil supplies by invading Kuwait, we turned against his regime, forcibly expelled it from Kuwait, and demanded that Saddam disarm himself of those weapons. We then accused him of failing to follow through with said disarmament in order to compel an investigation by UN weapons inspectors. Once it became apparent that Saddam's regime had, in fact, disarmed itself of WMDs, we decided that it was safe to invade and replace the regime with one more to our liking. And the world still endures the consequences to this day."

And what a Clusterfack that turned out to be..... that british faked intel report (on behalf of the us) was a low blow, to justifying it.
Place is worse off today than it was before.