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After reading through a good chunk of this thread I simply do not understand how and why a large amount of straight white christian men legitimately believe that they face demonization and prejudice on a level that is comparable to blacks or Muslims or gays or any number of historically discriminated against groups. In some ways it almost feels insulting for people to compare an this idea of discrimination against white men to issues this nation continues to face today such as systemic racism against blacks and Hispanics within policing and the legal system, government surveillance of Muslim/Arab communities, high rates of bullying and depression among gays and lesbians ect. We have a president that equates Mexican immigrants to murders and rapists and calls for bans on Muslims despite the fact that the overwhelming majority of acts of domestic terrorism are carried out by American born citizens yet people on this site try to push this idea that the entire nation is against white men.

Last edited by collint0101 - on 04 May 2018