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DonFerrari said:

And besides the cases where let's say AMD paid a game to have it developed together... the cases where no one is paying, do the devs works with all GPU manufacturers? I would guess when no one is paying they don't work with any developer. When AMD pays they help and provide solutions that are open source and easier to patch and also as you admitted not even asking to run better on their HW. But when it's developed with NVidia there have been cases of they purposely making it run worse on AMD rigs (we even had scandals of the situation being so bad that a flagship GPU from AMD was running worse than mid level NVidia that when looking for games that weren't sponsored run lot worse of course).

So basically you want to fault AMD for when they work together with a dev without paying for better performance or locking features under proprietary code the same others fault NVidia for taking the extra steps to be anti-consumer? It doesn't make much sense.

I can't really think of a game that came into being, one that was solely funded by just AMD. Ideally, if you want the game to work well with the majority out there, you'd want to work with both. I mean, if it's fine to work with one vendor, it should be for the other or none at all.

AMD pays just like nvidia does. But they do not "open source", in a way that makes said game magically work better. Their open source tech is related to their Tress FX, not their drivers.

There have been cases like I mentioned, where AMD sponsored games ran better with AMD hw and worse with Nvidia hw. It's one thing to suggest one side is working fairly and all blame going to the other for reasons unknown, but it's another to suggest that making a game working well with one vendor, means the other is "unfairly" crippled.

I want to fault AMD like I'd fault Nvidia. Both are companies that create their own GPU's for their respective market targets. Both have had situations where it ran good on their GPU's and bad on their competitors. What doesn't make sense here, is excusing one vendor over the other, while also outright trying to suggest that the other one die out or do exactly the same thing, but at the same time, retain the same level of blame for "reasons".

I can see a path, where Nvidia does what AMD does and still getting the blame for "not getting gud", because that's how it falls for them whenever AMD gets good performance with a game and when Nvidia gets bad performance. The way it is set up for them makes it so they can never win by that logic. Seriously, that's how it looks each and every way. The same way with MS, that no matter how hard they try, people will always go for their competitor over them, and it's been this way throughout the generations thus far. 


Also, you say you appreciate aggravated view on bad performance, but it seems as though you now don't, based on the Nvidia side of things.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"