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CrazyGamer2017 said:
Louie said:

But nobody does that! We simply don't have hard Vita numbers and so have to make an educated guess.

Edit: And I wouldn't factor in the SNES Mini because that's not a modern gaming console as you can't change cards or discs. It's more like the very ancient ones that only had a handful of games included. But that's another discussion, I think.

Yes and the reason there are no Vita numbers is because Sony does what any company not selling a product well would do: keep those figures to themselves. I don't approve of that, I mean everybody knows the Vita is not selling well so Sony looks bad trying to hide those numbers. We can agree on that.

If we are going to compare PS4 + Vita vs Swich + 3DS numbers, I believe that even if Vita numbers would be known that Nintendo would still come on top cause the 3DS has done very well as everybody knows and the Vita is not. But trying to add numbers and including unknown numbers (Vita) to try to come on top, I don't know, it feels to me like kicking a horse that is already on the ground. It seems wrong.

Again I am not asking of anyone what I would not ask of myself. I wouldn't do it and that's why I'm voicing my opinion on this matter, some people may agree, other disagree and that's ok.

Sorry to barge into this conversation like this but, isn't it also unfair to discount the still decent sales of the 3DS last fiscal year just because its most direct competidor (the Vita) sells/sold poorly? 

The old portable still means a lot to Nintendo's future, so why ignore it in this kind of comparisons?