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I have a GTX 1050 on my laptop so Nvidia tech isn't a problem in and of itself. Their tech just feels bloated and waste of GPU resources and its terrible for AMD GPU's while AMD tech is supported well on all GPU's so I'd rather see a collaboration with AMD.

Nvidia has terrible business practices which makes such collaborations a detriment to the PC gaming market.

It depends on who's running what for it to be considered bloated.


I run Nvidia's HBAO+ and in FF XV I run their VXAO and prefer it to the default shadow settings. I don't really consider those being bloated tech. I find hairworks at times to being rather sluggish, in that Nvidia still need to refine that side of their tech a bit more. 

I'd rather see more tech from Nvidia's side tbh, since AMD's can be just as much of a gamble, and not always beneficial for Nvidia's side either. 


AMD's deals have quite often led to AMD sponsored games running bad on Nvidia hardware. I know some of you on here value AMD, but not everything is roses and sunshine. 

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"