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Megiddo said:
contestgamer said:

We have tax havens because we over tax. No on should have to pay more than 15% of their money in taxes. It's ridiculous that we have people paying 30-40%+ in taxes, plus sales taxes, etc. 

Why do you think noone should have to pay more than 15% of their money in taxes? Are you not aware of America's Golden Years, the highest points of economic growth, were where the wealthiest Americans were paying far more than 30-40%?

Are you a temporarily embarrassed millionaire? Do you think that someday you'll win the Lotto and then you don't want to pay high taxes on all that money?

It will never stop shocking me that people care more about the handful of wealthiest Americans who have more money than they know what to do with than they do about the nation's weakest, poorest, and sickest. And then my shock only grows more as these people profess to follow Christ's teachings who taught above anything else to look after the poor, the sick, and the weak.

What is it that causes your callous lack of empathy to millions of malnourished children living in the streets? Instead you worry, "Oh shit, this wealthy guy has to pay more than 15%". You are a terrible, terrible person.

Because everyone has the right to make their own choices and carve out a living. I come from a poor family in Europe, built my own business here in the west and make a pretty good living. I send a big chunk of that back to family that needs help. I pay a big chunk of it in taxes. I work 6-7 days a week, long hours. I sacrificed friendships so that I could put all my focus on work. I do OK for myself, but my goal is to do a whole lot better. IMO if your goal in life isn't to do financially well, then don't complain if you're poor. Your priorities are different. I know a lot of poor people that didn't prioritize money over everything else, including my own family. That's why they are poor. They cared more about having families, kids, friendships and fun than laser focusing on career, and career only. 15% is fair, it covers basic utility that an individual uses in society. It should be a flat tax and rich shouldnt be punished by paying for the poor. Opportunity should be equal and I'm for public option higher education to help achieve that, but you don't need crazy taxes to do that. You need to restructure what you're spending it on right now. We're already taxing corporations, then you tax the individual on income, then again via sales tax. It's ridiculous.