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As ironic as it is...Destiny even in its horrible state at launch could have been that game. Back in Destiny 1 the PVP alone was fun enough in a MW2 style "everything is op, therefore nothing is op" kind of way. Then they started nerfing everything from the guns to basic perks and jump movements and the game got worse and worse over time. Removing 3v3, rumble, and 6v6 from destiny 2 pvp ruined any possible enjoyment even when getting unbrokens because everything was team shot oriented now. I also prefered the earlier raids which were more thematic because at least grimoire hid the bad storytelling and for me the vex were the most interesting faction and crota was a fun raid to solo or 2 man. i know people think destiny got better over time but for me it went from a huge disappointment to a disaster. i did not like the taken king despite critic reviews mostly because of pvp and nerfed subclasses and quit around then. what they did to baby players for the nightfall also ruined the experience for someone like myself who wanted to get rewarded for a challenge. soloing nightfalls was fun when everything was on the line with one death. i know cheesing was an issue, but from a design perspective all the later strikes started to blend with a forced cirlce/square room final boss without any cover which forced players to strafe around in circles and was monotonous. d

i bought destiny 2 at launch and grinded, but it was actually worse in so many small ways that it added up to a far worse experience even if they gave it a SLIGHTLY more fleshed out story. at this point i would have rather had the original stranger time travel theory fleshed out. the factions were always a bid wasted oppertunity and it irked me that bungie didn’t fix it in d2. imo every faction should have had a different old russia sized location on earth which would have explored a series of missions with NPCs that would help you get insight into their unique motivations. they could have all had their own problems or gameplay mechanics which would help explain their reasoning for their beliefs. as vendors they only serve to reskin guns in an extra set of colors. the only addition in destiny 2 which made the game better that i can think of is heroic public events. everything else got worse.