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Nem said:
CuCabeludo said:

Facebook is already out of reach of any EU law. Any company can give a middle finger to any contry and move to other that can provide better terms. This is why there is no manufacturing in US anymore, everything moved to China.

Facebook does what they let it do. It's pretty easy to block acess to Facebook in the EU if they want to. It's already done in some countries with for example Pirate Bay.

It's equally easy to access any game/site that is blocked in your country with VPN. Lineage 2 Classic Europe for example is blocked for any country that is not in Europe, and yet I play it everyday through VPN.


For pirate bay, you don't even need to pay for a VPN. The only thing you need is download the Tor Browser and you will rape through any blocked site.

Last edited by CuCabeludo - on 28 April 2018