Maybe this is too early and I'm overreacting a bit, but judging by Amazon, South Park looks like a flop on Switch. The game did not receive enough publicity and it has come out at full price while on the other platforms it is already reduced in price, it does not help much either. Maybe this is asking a lot but third parties should offer some additional content to these late ports (include DLC, some small discounts, etc) to make them a little more attractive or try to get the game at the same time as in the others platforms. Ubisoft is likely to draw erroneous conclusions from South Park sales without understanding the actual circumstances.
Give Switch a fair "competition" and you will see better sales in third party games.
Last edited by alejollorente10 - on 27 April 2018Switch Friend Code = 5965 - 4586 - 6484
PSN: alejollorente10