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Difficulty is definitely getting a whole lot smoother for me. At first I was getting completely destroyed, but my last couple hour play session I think I only died about twice. I really like melee combat, which given this is a GoW game which were previously all about the weapons, is really shocking to me. The shield is WAY more useful than shields in video games almost ever are, and ditto about Atreus. Spartan Rage really is great in a pinch too. Saving it for the really tough fights has helped me a lot.

As for the game impressions overall so far, it really does feel like a masterpiece unfolding the more I keep playing. The gameplay is starting to get a ton of fun now that I'm getting the hang of it and the spectacle in this game is  just jaw dropping, and I'm still pretty early in. If it keeps ramping up throughout, I can't even imagine. I love Atreus as a character so far and Kratos is already a more realized character than in the past. Really like their dynamic so far. 

Last edited by HyrulianScrolls - on 24 April 2018