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Checkpoints and shortcuts are frequent, so you shouldn't be set back very far upon death (maybe 10 or 15 minutes, maximum).

If you're not enjoying the game, then don't play it anymore. If you are wanting the game to get better, it won't. What you've experienced so far is pretty much the same gameplay you will experience for the entire game.

Most people find this type of game to be extremely satisfying, so it's odd that you didn't experience such a thing when defeating tough enemies or bosses. Perhaps it's because you are forcing this upon yourself too much. I have a similar feeling about GTA; I really wanted to like GTA (any game in the series). I've played all of the GTA games at some point or another, but I have never found myself enjoying it very much.

When it comes to Soulsborne, however, I can't get enough. I've played and beaten them all, multiple times each, and have even found myself seeking out rip-offs because I wanted more. Lords of the Fallen, NiOh, Dark Maus, Salt and Sanctuary, Momodora, you name it.

Last edited by RaptorChrist - on 19 April 2018