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BlowoverKing said:
VGPolyglot said:

I have a list of some games that I want to get:



  1. Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD (since it's my favourite game)
  2. Metal Gear Solid HD Collection (one of my favourite games)
  3. Persona 4 Golden (One of my favourite games)
  4. Persona 4: Dancing All Night
  5. Uncharted: Golden Abyss
  6. Killzone: Mercenary
  7. Resistance: Burning Skies
  8. Soul Sacrifice
  9. Soul Sacrifice Delta
  10. Freedom Wars



I'm having a hard time thinking beyond that. Tearaway, Danganronpa 1+2, Virtue's Last Reward, Gravity Rush, Wipeout 2048, and a few others ended up getting released on PS4, which lessened the library for me!

If you liked Tearaway on PS4 you should get it on Vita seeing as they are two different experiences! Also unless you've already bought them on PS4 I would seriously consider getting the Vita versions of Danganronpa. I just feel like those games are best played snuggled up in bed with some headphones!

Oh and everybody forgets about Unit 13 when it comes to Vita exclusives so because you seem to like both metal gear and shooters I would highly recommend it. Its the perfect pick up and play, high score based third person shooter (with some stealth).

Hmm, I guess I can check out Unit 13 as well. I also forgot about Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus and Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 plus, I love those games so I'll probably pick them up too. What about Army Corps From Hell? How is that game?