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The hot-takes on here are pretty hilarious: the IG report made it pretty clear that the NY FBI office had leaks, which led to Comey re-opening the Clinton investigation. We also know that the polls swung away from her when that happened, so it cost her the election. To say that Comey was the unpatriotic dishonest one, when Trump owes him his presidency (for the re-opened investigation and NOT publicly disclosing the Russia investigation into Trump) is rather absurd. Why would anyone trust the guy who just tweeted out that he didn't fire Comey for the reason he publicly stated he fired him for?

It would also be wise to look into Trumplandia and True Pundit, before commenting on how Comey handled the email investigation, all you Trump and Clinton homers. The implications for Trump, his media surrogates, and political allies are fairly damning.