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Well, so the fuck much for that. Bandai just kneecapped the Switch version. And you can 1000% expect that the marketing focus will completely shift now to PS4 and they'll probably barely bother to mention the Switch version when they release it quietly like an unwanted puppy being tossed out of a parked car on the side of the road. Unless Nintendo fully funds the marketing, the game will be a virtual stealth launch. And if it launches in June or July, it will get completely buried.

Also further exposes the fact that Bandai can't be assed to treat the platform even close to equally since you know damn well that if the PS4 version had a game breaking bug, all versions would be delayed. But here we have the Switch being the lead version in promotion and the first version announced and yet it will be the last one launched.

Bandai just seems determined to remain the most disappointing and disrespectful third party on Switch.