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fatslob-:O said:
caffeinade said:

Still better than the noise of low quality ray tracing (in most cases).
I find this demo to be quite pleasing, and it should demonstrate what the effect is to anyone who doesn't already know.

Better in temporal stability ? Absolutely! In terms of feature set ? Probably not since it doesn't even come close to attempting to simulate real world light transport with ray tracing ... 

JEMC said:

Well, that's why I said "for now" .

After all, it's a LPP process right now so it will still need to improve a little to make something more demanding like a GPU. And even if that were not the case, it's well known that smartphone makes pay more to get their products done, so we'd have to wait until Samsung themselves as well as others companies like Qualcomm have their first orders done.

So yes, hardware designers can start designing around that process and discuss the deals with Samsung (and GloFo after a while), but that doesn't mean they'll get their products done soon.

I guess the delay for bigger chips is due to the fact that optimization for physical design layout takes longer when when dies consist of over 10B+ transistors ... 

Right: that is why I just consider it a console like "optimisation".
Like checkerboard rendering to reach 4k.
It sure as hell ain't the real thing.
However if you squint hard enough, sit far enough away, and apply a, subtle, blur: no-one will ever be able to tell the difference.
Maybe someday.