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daactualfact said:
Well, I will tell you what I think:

When the Ps3 is $299:

Ps3' s sales will get higher.

Games on it will sell better.

It still WILL NOT touch the Wii in any way. (i both hardware and software by the way.)

It will sell great in al territories compared to this and last year.

It will destroy the 360.

It will compete with Others. It will not get anywhere close to the Wii in NA or Japan.

In Others, it will probably still be beaten by Wii, but it will look like a scratch compared to what MONSTROUS sales the Wii will have already put out in Na and Japan.

*Console sales predictions are in my sig just for references.*

Good post, I agree.
Bodhesatva said:

On the other hand, Fila, the Iphone has actually been losing market share, even with the price drops. I'm not sure comparisons to the Iphone are going to suit the purpose you had in mind here, because the iPhone indicates that marketshare doesn't increase much (or actually decreases?) with reductions in price. That's always been true with Video Games, too, of course (Neo Geo, CD-i, 3D0, and other highly expensive systems never exploded in sales after their prices dropped).


I didn't know iphone was losing marketshare, but my point was that historically people won't pay more than $400 for an electronic device that they don't really need. There are exceptions of course like TV and PCs where people will reach deeper into their wallets.


Bodhesatva said:

It is approximately -4% or so last I checked, Fila. That's why I said "approximately."


That's it? I would've guessed it would be a lot worse.


Kasz216 said:

They weren't on the same pace as DVD.... and never were to my knowledge.

Basically HD-DVD died and people expected a surge... and their was... but there was no follow through.

Blu-ray sales went up.... then went down to actually lower weekly sell rates then when it was facing HD-DVD... and has since slowly been etching up.

This wasn't expected so a lot of companies put a lot of money epecting blu-ray adoption to be happening a lot quicker.

Stores of course want Blu-ray entrenced for HD over things like direct downloads because things like direct downloads bypass them.

Stores Pushing PS3's makes a lot of sense for this as well as 43% of PS3 owners apparently watch Blu-ray movies at least once a month according to NPD. (A remarkably high figure if you ask me.)

This Christmas will likely be vital to see if Blu-ray is the next DVD or Laser Disc.


I see, well you're probably right because I found the article I read and it said it was outpacing DVD in Europe.