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Just because there is a mathematical equivalency between a 3-star rating and a 6 out of ten does not mean that they imply the same thing, especially when they use the 5-point scale strictly.

1 = Terrible
2 = Bad
3 = Average
4 = Good
5 = Awesome

This is a plain scale. A three-star game is an average game. A 3 is not a bad score.

Let me repeat: on a five-point scale, a three is not a bad score. it is average. Most games would get a three, and all game reviews would average out to about that much over time if we stuck to that scale. It's my preferred scale.

Most review sites only use from 7-9 for most games - that is not using the whole scale.

There is a very real psychological difference between a 3 and a 6. Anyone who tries to argue otherwise is just trying to support a presupposition with no grounding in what the review scales actually mean.