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Intrinsic said: 

No. Does everyone have to make an RPG? I like this linear open hub world bloodborne approach to games more so than i like the vast open wprld of an RPG. There is more intimacy and familiarity with these smaller worlds than the endless filler you see in these vast open worlds, all od which at some point you spend the bulk of your time fast travelling.

And as far as I am concerned, this GOW is pretty much a new IP. Outside Kratos as a chracter (aka as player avatar) there isn't a single thing tying it to the previous games. There isn't even a jump button. If this weren't called GOW people would see this as a new IP

Well... there are a few references to previous games (the director confirmed it, there is actually one reference to the previous trilogy in one of the trailers) , it's not even a direct reboot it's more like a sequel/soft reboot just in terms of gameplay, the Norse setting and character motivations, but it's the same Kratos and everything that happened in the previous games affect Kratos his past is tied with him, and he will be obviously killing gods in this game so yeah its a God of War game with a few changes

Last edited by raulbalarezo - on 15 April 2018