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It's been a while since we've had some rumors about AMD GPUs (besides the RX 500X one that was clearly a rebrand, soimething now confirmed), so let me post this one and tell me what do you think. By the way, it comes from Fudzilla, so take all the salt you can find:



AMD’s next generation mainstream Navi GPU will reportedly offer GTX 1080 / RX Vega 64 class performance and replace the company’s current RX 580 cards as a mainstream class product in 2019.

Navi is Radeon’s last Graphics Core Next based architecture and is expected to be the world’s first high performance GPU built on 7nm process technology. Little is known about Navi in the techspere to date. One detail that we seldomly see reported is that AMD is working on two Navi GPUs (...). One is designed for the desktop market and the other for the mobile market.

According to this report from Fudzilla, Navi will not be a large high-end GPU. (...) The report further states that this Navi part will be a high performance, low power chip with the performance of today’s high-end GPUs and the positioning and power consumption of mainstream parts. An RX 580 successor in that ~$250 sweet spot in the market.

Over the past year we’ve been hearing whispers about a project at the company to bring horizontal die stacking technology and expertise over from the CPU department to the GPU department. With the intention of making high-end multi-die GPUs, akin to Ryzen Threadripper. We would have something like Navi 10 and Navi 20, with Navi 20 featuring two Navi 10 dies in the same package. This Navi 20 is what would theoretically go up against NVIDIA’s high-end parts, a la GTX 1180/Ti.

This die-stacking program we’re told is what the company meant by “scalability” in its Navi Roadmap. More recently we’ve been hearing that the future of this Navi die stacking project may be uncertain in 2019, as more die stacking engineering effort is poured into AMD’s entirely new 2020 post-GCN “Nextgen” architecture. A design that we’re told is as revolutionary as the company’s Zen CPU architecture.

If the Navi die stacking project has indeed been postponed then we will see AMD debut both its revolutionary new architecture, the Zen of GPUs if you will, and multi-die GPU stacking technology in 2020, after Navi. This would allow the company to address all segments of the market, from the entry level all the way to the ultra enthusiast segment just by employing a single GPU die that can be stacked to meet the needs of every market segment.


That next gen's mid-range cards can offer today's high end performance levels is kind of expected. After all, the RX 480/580 and GTX 1060 are close to GTX 980 levels of performance. But the rest of it... I would like to believe it, as it would bring competition again.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.