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Wow. Lots of hate in this thread.

I do not think that MGS4 will show up on the 360, simply because it has made such an effort to be identified with that particular console.

Graphic problems could probably be adressed, storage issues solved, and embarrasing codec conversations removed or changed. No, the big reason is the image. MGS4 is so completely tied to PS3 image that I find it improbable Konami would do a U-turn now that the game is released.

Most cross platform games are usually not tied to the image of the console. Halo did appear on PC but it was originally a PC title, and that move felt natural. MGS4 would feel completely wrong.

And personally I wouldn't put what an IGN reporter says about a game as a source to be reckoned with. Partly because you have no idea how much he actually knows. He might have good insight, but he might also have no insight and just be babbling foolishly. Also, never trust ANYONE giving a game a 100/100. Ever. I have yet to across a flawless game. (that is, don't just take their word for it with what they say about the game... You can trust them on other issues.)

Give me a konami quote (like Kojima himself would be nice) saying all cutscenes are ingame and I will believe it. Before that, I will stay undecided. EDIT: Recent quote, mind you. Lots can change with 4 years of developement.

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