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I really dont think 360 fans have anything to be optimistic about. Past Gears 2 and Halo, no one seems to really care about exclusives on the 360. I dont know why you think Fable 2, Too Human, or Banjo Kazooie will change that.

LBP is the best chance for global success in the kids market(were not talking about nintendo of course.) Unless E3 brings something we haven't seen thus far, none of those games are going to change anything. Europe is Sony territory when it comes between Microsoft and Sony. Same thing for Japan. The popularity of Sony and Nintendo, plus franchises like Socom, MGS4, and Resistance, on top of Bioshock being released this winter greater hinder any chance of Microsoft being dominant in NA this winter. On top of that, Gears 2 is tapping the same market that 3 huge titles have already tapped for Microsoft in NA. (Those titles being Gears, Halo 3, and COD4). People who want an Xbox in NA and like Gears 2 type gameplay have a 360 already in most cases. The hardware boost for that game, unless Microsoft drops the price $100 across the board, is going to be minimal.

At this rate the 360 is in trouble. The game sites, the analysts, the sales are all not in a conspiracy against the 360. It used way too much of its arsenal last year, which is why its being outsold by the PS3 this year even at higher price in every region. Gears 2 unanswered would spell disaster for the PS3, much like Halo 3 did last year. This year is much much different. Gears 2, if its as popular as Halo 3, will keep the 360 in the race, but anything less than that means the 360 will be a distant third this year in sales. Fable 2 should break 2,000,000. Too Human and Banjo dont stand a chance.