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reviniente said:
zorg1000 said:

Nice strawman, he never said graphics/performance were terrible things and should regress, why not adress the actual points being brought up?


For some people, having the best visuals & performance is extremely important. For others, gyro controls or portability are more important.


For me portability is very important, i wake up and get ready for work at 4am and usually dont get home until after 6pm. When i get home i play with my kids until they go to bed, then i try to get in a quick workout then i relax with my wife for about an hour and go to bed.

A good deal of my gaming comes during my daily commute to/from work. I carpool with 2 other guys and depending on where we are working its usually 1-2 hours each way so on days that i dont drive i either play a game, read a book, listen to music, watch a show/movie or take a quick nap.


I would say on average, i game at home on the TV 1-2 hours/week and play portable away from home 2-3 hours/week.

You understand he never addressed the subject of portability, right? He questioned the outright preposterous notion of a video game being more enjoyable simply because it looks better. The gall. And be honest; were you lord and master of your own free time, would you give the Switch the light of day?

Nah, hes not saying that individuals cant find a game better because of visuals, hes saying that its rediculous to assume everybody is going to enjoy a game more because of better visuals.


Absolutely, regardless of Switch being portable i would still find it more appealing than PS4 or XBO. Portability doesnt really add much if the software library isnt appealing.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.