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I am really concerned about the state of logic and reasoning in contemporary society. A mere forum discussion on the internet is enough to show gaping holes in how people approach reason as both concept and tool. There is no intention to understand or converse whatsoever. It is only about the reinforcement of personal and commodified ideology, and the refutation of any counter-point. Cartman's song about 'safe space' is the closest analogy that I can think of. We bar ourselves from external ideological conflict, creating these 'safe spaces' for our own enclosed and stagnant ideas masquerading as reason. Worst of all? Not only do we notice it, but we embrace it with pride.


Baudrillard would have a field day today, if he was still alive:

"The media represents a world that is more real than reality that we can experience. People lose the ability to distinguish between reality and fantasy. They also begin to engage with the fantasy without realizing what it really is.

They seek happiness and fulfilment through the simulacra of reality, e.g. media and avoid the contact/interaction with the real world." Jean Baudrillard - Simulacra and Simulation, 1981.