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curl-6 said:
contestgamer said:

Look, 99.999% of people will enjoy having 10 million dollars more than 100 thousand. I don't need to know them to make that assumption. I've literally heard people with little money tell me they prefer to be poor than rich which is clearly BS and a psychological way of accepting their situations

Why do you find it so hard to believe that a person would prefer gyro controls over maxed graphical settings? Gameplay matters more than graphics for a great many gamers, it's not at all far fetched. 

Gyro isnt really gameplay, it's a tiny difference in game interfacing that's all. The graphics change the entire experience of the game, its ambiance and atmosphere, literally transports you there. Not sure why you keep arguing so aggressively about this. I get it, you liked it on the Switch, that's awesome. I'm just saying you'd enjoy it more if you played it first on PC at max settings.