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Teeqoz said:
contestgamer said:

Then this applies to you too:

Honestly you're nurturing ignorance by living in a bubble like that. You cant read or watch something with viewpoints that you don't agree with? That's why extremism on both the left and right are becoming more of a problem in this country, people only consume what they agree with already, polarizing them further,

It sounds like you need a safe space when you're weary of something you might disagree with.

Quite the contrary - I think the primary polarizing driver in politics is people actively looking for someone to disagree with and argue with. Both right and left and whatever other spectrum - many, including the media, actively tries to find the most extreme opinions so they can ridicule them (in the process spreading those extreme opinions to a larger audience, and often generalizing them onto a much larger group that in reality don't have those extreme opinions). Ignoring people is a perfectly valid course of action.

You dont need to actively disagree with anyone, you can absorb information without judgement. Ignoring entire sides of an issue leaves you ignorant to it, and creates a bubble around you. Reality isn't black or white, left and right. It's all shades and if you ignore one side of everything you're not growing, you've accepted your ideas as fact and you're set in your ways.