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contestgamer said:
KrspaceT said:

Recently saw a video from a creator called 'No Bullshit' appear on my feed called 'Far Cry 5 Confuseds SJWs because Conservatives aren't Monsters'. Because I refuse to support people who make videos like that (mostly because whenever I see such a tag it's about things like there being female pirates in that Ubisoft pirate game or non-white soldiers in the U.S Army in CoD 2017, which is actually historically accurate) and do not want the videos clogging up my feed I have not clicked on it, but I am curious if anyone is familiar with what he is going on about. 

Is it because the game didn't have every person in Montana act blodothirsty and that apparently confused 'SJWs'? Is it something else? 

Honestly you're nurturing ignorance by living in a bubble like that. You cant read or watch something with viewpoints that you don't agree with? That's why extremism on both the left and right are becoming more of a problem in this country, people only consume what they agree with already, polarizing them further,

They all seemed to agree that the gameplay itself was good.  But with any characterizations that doesn't fall in line with their paradigm, they have a problem seeing past it to enjoy the game.  Closed mindedness and intolerance.