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The second part of the news:


See two minutes of Star Control: Origins gameplay in an exclusive new trailer
A Fleet Battles beta demonstrating the game's outer space combat has been available to people who preorder the game for a while now, and Stardock expects to have a second beta ready to go by the end of April. But the new trailer makes it clear that there's a lot more to the game than simply blowing up bad guys—exploration, discovery, and character interactions are what made the originals so great, and Origins appears to be following the same path.


Flash Point: Fire Rescue kicks in the door on Steam
Flash Point: Fire Rescue is a fantastic co-op board game that just made its way onto Steam. Think about a tactical maneuvering game like XCOM, but with firefighters, who are probably braver than alien hunters anyways. In any given scenario your team's job is to save people from a burning building—not put out fires. You're the people who go inside.


Ubisoft outlines its plan for punishing toxicity and team-killers in Rainbow Six Siege
In March, Ubisoft announced plans to combat "chat toxicity" in Rainbow Six Siege by implementing a system of bans for players who use hate speech, including racist and homophobic slurs, in the game. Today it elaborated on its goals in a blog post, saying that it aims to "track negative player behavior, manage those that behave poorly, and eventually implement features that will encourage players to improve their behavior."


Watch the first trailer for The Endless Mission, the new game from the makers of Never Alone
The Endless Mission, the new project from Never Alone publisher E-Line Media, was announced last week as a narrative-focused "sandbox-style creation game." James did a good job of describing what it's actually all about, but even with that the underlying concept was tricky to pin down: "It's looking to be an impressive, open toolbox for learning how games work," he said. But how will it hold up as an actual game?


The 13th Doll, the fan-made sequel to The 7th Guest, will be out this year
The 13th Doll is a licensed, fan-made followup to The 7th Guest, a creepy FMV adventure about a local nut who gets off on killing kids that was released in 1993. It was announced and successfully crowdfunded in 2015, at which time it was expected to be out late that year or early in 2016. Now here we are in 2018 and it still hasn't happened, but the developers have announced that it's coming this year—on Halloween. Ooooh.


Overwatch's next PvE mission is a Blackwatch strike in Italy
Last year, the Overwatch Uprising event delved into Overwatch's history by giving players a chance to experience Tracer's first mission: the King's Row Uprising. This year, the event—now officially named Overwatch Archives—returns with a new PvE mission: Retribution.


PUBG gets shotguns and melee-only custom mode
I once tried to win a bare-fisted chicken dinner, but fell short to a volley of semi-automatic rifle fire. Had my misadventures taken place within PUBG's latest shotguns and melee-only custom mode, things might've been different. Tequila Sunrise invades battlegrounds later today.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.