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I can almost guarantee that if the PS4 is based on a Cell like architecture

Of course the PS4 will have a enhanced Cell CPU, I thought fkusumot said that the PS4 will only have the CELL and no GPU (which was according to rumours a Sony idea for the PS3 but was scrapped) but perhaps I misunderstood him. Because the PS4 will also have a GPU and a Cell successor (most likely)

it will have a higher number of PPEs than PS3's Cell (which was Sony's original plan anyway, except cost problems prevented it). They won't do the same mistake again.

To be honest I doubt it. This would make programming even harder. At the moment you have one coordinator PPE and for everthing that takes longer you use a SPE. And when the PS4 comes out developer will know this programming approach like the back of their hand. Why should they make a hybrid classic multicore with additional SPEs? Multicore times two? I would rather think that they make the SPEs a bit more flexible.

But in the end SONY isn't alone in this at all . IBM makes the CELL and its successors and the question is how much both interested parties compromise.