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I haven't watched X-play in a while but do they give .5 point ratings? Or is it just 1-5?

I think every scale should stand on it's own. I agree mathematically 3/5 = 6/10 but I don't think you should judge them the same. Every review organization is different and if I review something and give it a 3/5 it might not mean that it's equivalent to joe schmoe's 6/10. What if a review site adopted a thumbs up/thumbs down system similar to movie reviews. Would a thumbs up = 10/10? That's one of my biggest problems with gamerankings and one of a few reasons why I think arguing over scores there is an exercise in futility. I'm not saying review scores are useless but if it's the only justification you can find in a game purchase or it's just there to give you forum bragging rights then maybe you should re-evaluate why you're playing video games to begin with.

Completed X360:
High Def Movie Collection