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The second part of the news:


Eugen Systems developers are taking their employer to court
For the last seven weeks, 21 developers from Steel Division: Normandy ‘44 studio Eugen Systems have been on strike. This follows 15 months of discussions over what they call “serious violations” of their rights, ranging from their working environment to pay disputes. After several meetings in March, an agreement still hasn’t been reached, and 15 current and ex-developers have taken the matter to the French Labour Court.


Watch the fantastic trailer for musical puzzle game Kine
Kine is an upcoming 3D puzzle game about three robot musicians looking for their big break. Its announcement trailer is chock-full of jazz, graphic novel-like art, and cleverly synchronized movement, putting it right up my alley.


Infiltrate cities and spray graffiti in turn-based stealth game Vandals
Vandals has one of the coolest elevator pitches I've ever heard: turn-based stealth graffiti. Rather than a secret agent infiltrating underground bases in search of top-secret intel, you're an agent of expression infiltrating cities like Paris and Tokyo in search of sweet canvases to tag.


Drive fast and shoot straight in GTA Online's new Target Assault Races
A new race mode is coming to GTA Online that combines the two best things about life in Los Santos—dangerous driving and guns—into one super-sport. Target Assault Races puts one player on the wheel and another on the trigger in a race where accuracy is even more important than speed.


PUBG's Savage map rolls out Squads, beta key signups reopened
Savage proves that solo PUBG plays best on a small map, so says Evan, Chris and Jody. But how will teams fare in an arena one-quarter the size of what we're used to? The battle royale 'em up's latest update rolls out Squads alongside a host of feedback-driven nips and tucks to its newest, smaller battleground.


Sunless Skies shows off Albion in gorgeous reveal trailer
Now we're talking. Despite an impressive Kickstarter campaign, Failbetter Games, by its own admission, unveiled Sunless Sea follow-up Sunless Skies prematurely—which in part led to layoffs at the studio.
And then it teased this beautiful shot of a fractured Big Ben within the game's new Albion setting. And now it has a reveal trailer that showcases the new locale with swirling vortexes, incongruous machinery, floating parliaments, gorgeous colours, and, well, perhaps you should have a gander for yourself.


Fortnite's latest update brings vending machines
In exchange for materials, vending machines promise "three different deals, rarity and items chosen at random," so reads update v3.4's patch notes. The machines will be scattered across the map with Common items selling for 100 materials, Uncommon for 200, Rare for 300, Epic for 400, and Legendary for 500 materials.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.