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|_emmiwinks said:
trestres said:
Is this thread a joke one?


I almost never agree with you, but I have to this time. This thread is a joke right?

The 360 had a huge year last year, was cheaper and had a far superior online strategy and it was still being outsold most of Q4. Since then, with all those games and price and online it has been outsold for 6 months, almost 7.

You really think that a neutered E3 will change that so much as to bring them not only from being outsold, but outselling the PS3 by a signifcant margin? Thats a what? 30 to 40% increase in sales? Rediculous.

Banjo has been almost universally met with critism from the critics and fans, Gears of War 2 will do well, but an entire company strategy does not equal the release of one game.

Fable 2... I wouldnt add that to tell you the truth. Right now its still an unknown quantity that is being rumored of being pushed to 09. Even if it comes out this year the first one got enough bad press and bad word of mouth (not on the game, which was fun for the whole 7 hours and 40 minutes it took me to beat it) but because Peter couldnt pull his head out of his ass and stop talking. Not to mention that early critic reaction to the game is basically, "Meh."

The rest of your "ace's" are un proven IP's with zero history to go on besides some screens a video or two. Halo Wars will not sell halo numbers. Its an RTS, and they dont work on Consoles, plus HALO fans are not RTS fans, they are SHOOTER fans.

The Xmote is a sad joke I hope, because its not where the 360 needs to go and is just wasted R&D money, if the 360 drops price I would venture to guess the PS3 will do the same within a month since Sony has room to do so (they are currently breaking even/ makeing a small profit on each console), and the 360 is still not profitable per machine.

Its fun to root for the underdog, but really your just rooting for the dead horse. For the 360 to be able to turn their sales around and "dominate" they need to get Japan to buy their systems, get Europe to buy their systems and keep the PS3 from making more Americans buy their system. To do that they need to make a whole lineup for EACH region that will push the system, all you have talked about are three American heavy titles (Halo Wars, Fable 2 and Gears of War 2) and one European aimed title with America as an afterthought (Banjo) and a JRPG that will follow every other JRPG on the 360 into obscurity in Japan.

Also you obviously forgot about firmware 2.40 which will be a "huge" PS3 update all "confirmed" by an official press source. Thats just a point of nit picking, I dont know if I think it will actually have everything they say it will.

Forget the future games section if you are going to make an arguement, I can sit and make a giant list of future titles for the PS3 to rival yours and then we would just fall into a bitter arguement of opinion.

Aaaa, I have been waiting for a PS3 fan to blow a fuse and lone behold, here one is.  First off sir, if you turn your attention to the actual numbers that the PS3 has outsold the 360 you will see that it is really not that high.  In fact, it is a mere 1,078,998 consoles to date. (Refer to VGChartz Data).  So seeing that holiday season is the time to buy consoles and we are not there yet, I find it very tangible that the 360 could sell this amount of consoles during that time.   

Secondly, you state the following, "Banjo has been almost universally met with critism from the critics and fans, Gears of War 2 will do well, but an entire company strategy does not equal the release of one game."

Ok so prior to playing a demo or seeing some quantitative footage the game community is making a judgement?  Wow this sounds familuar doesn't it?  Of course people are critics, I am a critic of every game prior to actually playing but can you really state that it looks bad?  To me having been a fan of the Banjo franchise, I feel that it looks like the best one at first glimpse.  Secondly, Gears 2 and an entire company strategy being placed on 1 game.  Well sir you are stating this about the wrong console.  How many epic games has the PS3 released this year?  How many top-tier games does it have in its stable?  What else are you expecting in 2008 for the PS3?  One game equals have so much more to wait for dont you...

Now Fable 2 and your banter.  Again you state, "Even if it comes out this year the first one got enough bad press and bad word of mouth (not on the game, which was fun for the whole 7 hours and 40 minutes it took me to beat it) but because Peter couldnt pull his head out of his ass and stop talking. Not to mention that early critic reaction to the game is basically, "Meh.""

Well I really dont think you have been reading the right previews of the game or have looked at proper gameplay footage.  This game looks brilliant plain and simple.  You have your opinion and so be it, but for you to provide such a propogandic view is ridicuclous.  From what I have read and seen I dont understand where you are getting such a negitive connotation from but again, you are a PS3 fan and thus I am not surprised. 

Its fun to root for the underdog?  Well I guess that is why you are rooting for the PS3?  See I have a PS3, really I do and I like the machine.  But when a fanboy such as yourself relates so many stupid comments pertaining to the 360 it is really rather comical.  I mean where is Killzone 2?  OOOO yea firmware 2.40, is that a replacement for Home?  Wasn't that suppose to be the big thing coming for the PS3 this year?

You keep looking forward to the BIG PS3 games that are SUPPOSE to be coming out.  I am not saying that the 360 doesnt have its delays but again, at least have a plentora of games to play.  Like I said, E3 will be the deciding factor and I believe based on the points that they will gain some significant ground this year. 

If you are going to try to disprove my point at least provide some sourcing or something that makes some sense.   

 Sorry 1 more thing.  If the 360 drops price I would venture to guess the PS3 will do the same within a month since Sony has room to do so (they are currently breaking even/ makeing a small profit on each console), and the 360 is still not profitable per machine.

You my friend, need to re-investigate the facts of which machine is more profitable.  If not use some common sense mmk.  PS3 release 2006, 360 release 2005.  PS3 Blu Ray, 360 DL-DVD, PS3 Blue-tooth, 360 Wireless, shall I go on?  PS3 is still loosing money on there machine while the 360 has been attaining profit for quite some time.

Thanks for coming to the party.