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contestgamer said:
SpokenTruth said:
"I'm poor but I bought a video game console."
-Pirate logic.

The console isnt a huge investment compared to the games. A forum buddy of mine built a $1000 PC that can play anything in 4k. That cost him about 700 more than a console, but he saves way more than that with games. His library is like 150 or so games now, or something ridiculous like that. He's saved thousands of dollars. Poor people can afford 200-1000, but they might not be able to afford $3000-7000 that it would cost to buy all the games they want to play. And those games dont have DRM or always online requirements, making them better quality games.

There's about 15 to 24 games worth getting each year, and not all of them are $60 each. You can get games for $45 brand new from BestBuy. I buy around 22 games a year, play as much as possible and still wind up with a growing backlog. Unless you are going to devote 35+ hours a week to gaming each year you will never be able to play everything that comes out. So your average gamer can get away with buying 10 games a year, and still have a full gaming schedule. So a whopping $450 a year, or $37.5 a month is what it would cost to get more games than you will be able to play. 

If you are willing to wait a few years, games go on sale for insanely cheap prices, both in used markets and on steam. $10 a month is more than enough to keep someone busy gaming from now until the end of time, if you spend your money wisely.

So no, being poor doesn't justify piracy.