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Rab said:
contestgamer said:

It's been this way since the founding of this country, there's no reason to think that anything will change when it comes to gun laws. if you believe that in the absence of any past evidence then you're the one in la la land. In fact the NRA makes more money when these shootings happen and they'll keep buying all the politicians as they have in the past, so if you think free speech will trump hard dollars then i got a bridge to sell you.

Just because it was that way in the past it will always be that way? Yeah sure.. The US history is littered with social change, I can see this change is already happening, this is just the beginning, time to wake up and smell the coffee  

Corporate power will always win, good luck enacting tough gun laws. By the time you do (if you do) we'll have mass at-home 3D printing and it'll be irrelevant anyway. You wont win either way.