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shams said:
KruzeS said:
shams said:

The more time I am putting into Strikers, the more I am enjoying it. Now having regular battles against my housemate, he is starting to kick my butt... :(

Online can be pretty harsh unless you have "trained up", and know most of the "exploits"...

Right. I'm enjoying the game, and doing pretty well on my own... I just can't do anything online. But since I bought it mostly because of online, so I had a game I could pick up anytime and have some fun playing for like 15min, I'm a little disappointed.

Meaning... you are being owned online?

I know - its hard to enjoy when it happens. I went through the same pain, and lost about 10 matches before I got lucky. The matchmaking "improves" as you play more games, and sooner or later you will start playing other people in the same situation.

Most important thing I found was mastering the "d-pad" moves (when you have the ball). The little mushroom guys can jump straight over the keeper into the goal - daisy can teleport past the keeper, etc. I recommend training with Donkey/Bowser as captain, and 2 (or 3) mushroom guys (very fast).

I don't know if our timezones sync, but I'll be more than happy to try some online vrs you if you want.. (PM me, and we can go from there). Ping might suck though...



I found I won the first game I played online. Get through the striker cup (at least beat the crystal cup, the striker cup is bloody hard). I found a few things useful:

1) learn how to lob pass, especially with high passing characters (toad, Hammer Bros) to high shooting characters (Hammer Bros, Birdo). They're much harder to intercept
2) I find Birdo scores most of my goals. I don't know why, but she seems to be more lucky with scoring than other players.
3) Steal! It's so satisfying to hit people but stealing is so much better since you can use it to intercept passes and take the ball off someone while keeping the ball yourself.
4) special moves are your friend. Charge up the ball and if someone attacks you pull off your special move
5) Dry Bones is fantastic! you can teleport from well outside the penalty area to inside the goals if the ball is charged up. Absolutely huge. learn to use it
6) charge the ball up in your defensive half with a fake-pass (hold shoot, then when charged press pass.) Then lob pass to your attacker and shoot. works wonders.
7) Don't be afraid to hit people that don't have the ball. And make good use of your items when someone does it to you!

I play with a balanced team: Birdo, Toad, Hammer Bros and Dry Bones. You can swap one of those players out with an equivelant captain, since each captain is basically the same as one player (Peach = toad, Waluigi = dry bones, etc). Learn each character's strengths and weaknesses, only shoot with your good shooters, and only do big passes with your good passers.

Has anyone beaten the striker cup yet (unlocked Petey)? I haven't really had much of a chance to try but the computer is insanely difficult to defeat. 

Help! I'm stuck in a forum signature!