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I don't think this will happen for a variety of reasons, but people also need to stop laughing this off.

Not counting this week (MGS4 throws data for a loop if we're looking for average weekly sales), PS3 sales are up nearly 200% (3x) in Europe since this time last year, and are up nearly 100% (2x) in the US. Japan, not so much, but we'll see what happens after MGS4 dies down.

In short, at least in the West, the PS3 is doing something no other third place console has ever done: its sales have increased dramatically over time. That's practically unique among non-winning consoles.

People need to stop rofling these comments away, because there is now significant data to support the concept of a PS3 resurgance. First place? That's... probably not going to happen. But a significant increase in relevance is clearly in the cards.">">