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If you haven't yet, Buy No More Heroes.  Its been said many times before but needs to be said again, so here are 3 more reasons every "hardcore" wii gamer should pick this up:

1.  It is gloriously violent: Nintendo's little white box has far too little blood gushing through it, and of that blood, No More Heroes + the Resident Evil games probably make up about 99% (and will probably continue to until Mad World comes out).  Buy it to suport more games like it  (Note: I'm not saying violent games are all I want, I'm just saying its nice to have a few more titles that indulge in some darker tendencies--don't you agree?)

2.  It knows gaming: NMH embraces its status as a game by constitantly referring to itself as such... With numerous references to gaming and blatantly ripped-off game presentations and mechanics, you'll find hundreds of in-game references to make your inner geek happy. It's worth it to pick up this one for the nostalgia alone.

3.  It was published by Ubisoft (in the U.S. at least):  Now I know for many of you this is a reason not to pick up the game, but why do you think Ubi pulled so much of its support from the Wii in the first place?  It's because great adult games like these have underperformed for them.  Buy it so we can maybe see a new Prince of Persia or a better Red Steel sometime in the future.

Basically, I think that if you consider yourself a core wii gamer and you complain about the lack of hardcore titles but haven't picked NMH up, you should be ashamed of yourself.  Go buy it, now.  You're missing out on one of the best titles released in '08 with every word you read.

 Annnd on that note, I'm going to go buy Okami so I'm not a hypocrite.