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I agree that online does not restrain games from becoming comercially viable.  There are titles where this is a plus and there are titles where it really doesn't matter....

In titles where co-op, multiplayer, and head-to-head play are an integral part I feel online adds to the game experience.  I have to admit when I first heard about it I thought that online was going to be a fad and I avoided it completely.  Then, I got a 360 and signed up for the free Silver subscription and thought it was interesting tracking my achievements and such.  So, I thought let's give gold a try this year.  Next, thing, I found the following improvements were made in my gaming world:

I could challenge myself more because there are a lot of online players better than me or my friends.

I didn't have to schedule my gaming time as much because I can go to the console and play online games with people at any time whether it be 7 pm or 2 am.  Whenever I have the time, someone, somewhere is there.

I can play with my friends that no longer live in the same city.  With the wireless mic it also allows me to have a "semi-phone call" with them while we play and talk about our lives and how things are going.

So, it allows me to do something I didn't do before.  Just like when someone buys a $3000 - 50" Plasma HD TV and keeps their regular cable feed and VCR.  It is good, but, if go switch to HD TV and DVD HDMI, your experience is better. 

 In the end, it is an add on cost but there is value so some people like it and some don't.  The nice thing is that almost all games can be played either way, so there is choice.  I think the reviews that knock the lack of online are really just saying, "heh, there's no choice here.  the online with this game is not there or stinks."  I feel it is good for reviewers to state it as I like online play.