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contestgamer said:
sundin13 said:

And why is any of this good?

I didnt say the actions themselves are good, but I believe people that worked their way up the food chain should have the ability to exert their power in benefit of their own interests without retribution from a mob that hasn't done anything to get themselves in to a similar position of influence. You want to be like Bernie and actually work your way up and create change directly, then that's great. However a mob of people being outraged at everything and essentially shackling anybody with perceived privilege or power from being able to actually enjoy that influence is unfair to them. If you can afford to pay some politicians to fix the tax system in your favor, or chose to pay less than minimum wage or have the money to bribe your way out of trouble then you should be able to enjoy those benefits. If you want to change it, then get in to an equal position of power and change it directly instead of crying foul as part of a lazy mob that hasnt achieved anything themselves. IMO those with advantages should be able to fully enjoy them. If you dont like being paid less than min wage, made uncomfortable comments or jokes to, etc then get a new job. We dont need a rally for everything when you're in control of your own life.

Are you trying to make us feel guilty/sympathetic for the individuals in power because people are teaming up to mitigate or stop their abuse of power? Because it's not working.