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Will it become the most dominant console in terms of sales HW and SW. So far this year the PS3 has averaged about 190,000 sold per week and it is still at a fairly high price. I really do think the price is the only major issue now because many issues of the PS3 have now been fixed.

- PSN is about to equal if not surpass XBL when 2.4 hits (in-game XMB and trophies supposedly)

- It's line up is one of the best now avaliable (MGS4, GT5P, Uncharted, Ratchet, Warhawk, Resistance, Motorstorm etc)

- Blu Ray (It is tracking above DVD at the same point)

- It is reliable (Well was anyway but it still is)

The only over issue is that it lack the fun factor that the Wii has but if we are to belive that this "break away" motion controller is a hit and Little Big Planet is as good as people make it out to be, the Wii will have nothing over it as price will be similar and the PlayStation Brand Image is still very strong. Then SONY just needs to roll out more casual games and then perhaps the domination will begin starting at $299 and maybe we will see weekly sales of perhaps 250,000 or more.

Anyway what do you guys think?