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Dont let the fan boys get you down Starcraft. I for one admire your ability and testicular fortitude to place positive and informative articles regarding the 360. It is ironic how when even the smallest of success is reported for the PS3 I have to scan through dozens of articles praising every little detail. But when anything positive or innovative is written about the 360, it is bashed and you are labeled a troll. Too many PS3 fan boys need to swallow their pride and admit that the 360 is doing awesome, has been doing awesome, and is not going anywhere. I support you SC, so dont stop posting the articles. I support Gaming as a whole, that means MS, Sony, and Nintendo. I find myself reading the articles you post FIRST, over many others because of the Sony nob, deep throating exhibited by the majority of the members of this site. I know this article is not yours, however, these games are great games for the X360. Yes many are on PC, but I dont feel like spending $2-400 dollars to upgrade so that I can play a game that runs smoother on my already owned X360 or PS3. Keep posting SC, Ill keep reading!!