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John2290 said:
d21lewis said:
Did somebody say porn!?!

Yes and it's only getting better. I tried a 5k video from Czheck VR porn and apart from the slight screen door effect in low light scene, it looks hella real. I'd link the video but not sure if that's against the rules. So real you, you might as well have a stripper in your room, with a no touch policy.

Anyway, You thinking about getting the GO? Or sticking with PSVR until PSVR 2?

My PC is pretty weak but if it can somehow support this device, I would buy it. Not willing to go all in on a  new  PCwhen I'm not going to use many of the features. Aside from gaming (which I've actually never tried), I can do pretty much whatever I want with the devices I currently have.