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rocketpig said:
scottie said:



My friend made the mistake of bringing his PS3 down to my room to use my larger tv, so I've been playing a bit of MGSIV and here are the thoughts I had, in chronological order


* Wow, PS3's are big (it hadn't been turned on yet, so I had little else to go off - you dont appreicate how big they are until you pt them next to a Wii)

* Ooh, pretty graphics (I mostly game on my Wii, and own a Mac with decent stats) the game looks very nice

* Wow, the cutscenes are very long - but they are well done, and interesting so i like it

* Sneaking is fun

*Shit, he's spotted me (now to remember how to use dual anaogue sticks)

*Ow, I'm dead, combat is really clunky


Anyway, act 1 finished, I really like the game, it has good graphics, music, and gameplay, the weapon are good and varied.

However, I dislike the controls and feel that the game may get a bit repetitive unless they shake things up in later acts

Also, apparently this isn't true later in the game or on hard difficulty, but you can essentially get through Act 1 by simply running as fast as you can towards the target.

In conclusion, any game reviewer that gives the game a 7/10 is a tool, as in one who gives it a 10/10

Unlike you, I really like the controls but I guarantee you one thing:

Kojima mixes this game up a lot. You do everything short of playing a Chess mini-game against God.


Haha, that make me laugh considerably. However, would it have surprised everyone if that actually happened? Kojima is a genius.

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned for Sega. - Jason Lee, Mallrats. - Mainly American Football, snippets of Basketball, European Football and Hockey.