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Nymeria said:
Super feels like an actual continuation of Z while GT always had this odd feeling of being disconnected. My signature is one of my favorite moments in Dragonball history, Super gave me the indulgent aspects of action I grew up loving in Z.

I'm not entirely sure what you mean by this. Is it in terms of setting or characters? because if so i'd argue the opposite.


Dragon Ball Super has quite few inconsistentcys from Z and at times replays the same ideas and character progression from Z where as GT continues from where Z left off.


For example: In Z Krillin was always a bit scared to go up against a guy way stronger than him, but he never backed down. In Super, first thing they have him do is not attempt to hold Beerus off to protect his family and friends and then in the next arc he cowards in fear from guys that he could defeat single-handedly. This is regression of his character from Z where he stood up to Super Buu to protect his family and friends despite his wife, who is more powerful than himself, being there. It happens again later on when Kid Buu goes to other world, this time it's with the implication that if it happens again he won't exist. He didn't back down and stood his ground. To go from that to Super was extremely jarring to me (though I appreciate that TOEI really wants to do something with him) and formed a disconnect between the series.


Perhaps the better example is Vegeta, where they basically retcon the final moments of his character arc in Z, this wouldn't be so bad if they hadn't of repeated his character arc from the Cell Saga to the end of the Buu Saga with the final arc of Super. This is where the biggest disconnect happens because they go through Vegeta's entire character step by step and it has pretty much the same result.

Arrogant Vegeta is back and completely full of himself


Arrogant Vegeta doesn't want to be a team player and give energy to Goku's attack that might save them from certain doom.

Arragent Vegeta thinks he can save the day and defeat the big bad all by himself/is an idiot.

Arragent Vegeta has a moment with someone he doesn't treat well and realises that he wants to fight for them


Vegeta realises he has a family that he needs to fight for and gives a speech about it


Vegeta sacrifices himself except not really because he comes back to help.


We even get a Vegeta's final stand where he's in base form getting his ass handed to him for the better part of an episode all while going on this speel about Saiyan pride for the 129,846th time in this show, all culminating in Vegeta putting his hopes in Goku because he knows he himself can't do it.


That's literally an exact repeat of what we had in Z. GT on the other hand had natural progression with the character. Vegeta mellowed out and got more accustomed to life on Earth, he takes his Daughter out, seems like an actual Dad and he wears regular Earth clothes instead of his armor and spandex. Which is what you would expect of him after Z when he got rid of the armor from his look and just had the spandex. In contrast Super had Vegeta go back to wearing the armor for some reason. I don't even think GT Vegeta makes reference to him wanting to surpass Goku, I think the first time it came up was when Bulma of all people brought it up when she said she was gonna help him get to ss4 and then maybe ss5 (seriously GT?), though I'm not 100% on that, it might've came up before that. Vegeta was even the first one to suggest fusion to defeat omega shenron, instead of basically saying "eewww I don't want to fuse with that smelly kakorot" in Super.


Their are other things like the arcs themselves from each show. Dragon Ball Super arcs barring Resurrection F suppose could pretty much take place in their own universe, completely separate from Z and rest Super because nothing from Z or any of the other arcs had any actual influence on anything and the end results didn't add anything. In GT from the very begining, they had all the arcs tie together and finally tied it to Z with Omega Shenron and the Dragon Balls saying that because they overused them throughout DB/Z/GT the negative energy grew and formed omega Shenron. It started with the Dragon Balls and ended with the Dragon Balls. The finale of Super is just a tournament that outside of reviving Frieza for realz this time doesn't tie anything together and has no effect on anything. Goku and Vegeta don't even get  to keep their new power ups and we had characters repeat development they had in Z and already passed.

Super even feels disconnected from itself most times with me half-way through questioning whether the writers were even in the same room or in the same building or in the same country or on the same planet or even in same realities. Seriously, that was something that I said about quite a few episodes when giving my opinions on them.


Maybe it's just me, idk, but there's a lot in Super that made it feel disconnected for me and I never felt that way about GT (well except the dark star dragon balls).

Or maybe this was not what you meant, let me know.

Last edited by Shaqazooloo0 - on 27 March 2018