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I have it. and oh by the way, I only knew I had it when I read the word I was oblivious to it my entire life. pretty strange, I saw the word googled it, and I remembered when I closed my ears I can hear it. and now I can hear it most of the time even if I don't close my ears. unless I forget it . I don't know how to explain this but even tho its there, if I forget it its like. its not there 

how bad is it for me from 1 to 10. a 1. even tho its loud. because I was oblivious to it since I was a kid I can ignore it. and i forget it for months

see right now I read the title and I can hear it again. lol. its very strange.


I'd rather not have it but. for me its not too bad at all. it would be much worse to not have it and then get it all of the sudden


I imagine a large chunk of people have it but they are oblivious to it. tho its just a guess.