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I agree with everything but make it harder. I think Zelda games are plenty hard.

I want a game with a gripping plot where you play as a female as the leader of the Shieka (or however you speel it) tribe rebels in an attempt to bring down Gannon's communistic iron grip world. 1/2 though you fight the boss link, who is general of Gannon's army, and get a time traveling thing and travel back in time to when link was a boy, then kidnap and train him. The last 1/3 of the game you play as link in the past foiling Gannon's rise to power, and then in then you beat him and take the triforce, the source of his power. With this link goes to the prestent day for an epic final showdown with Gannon. It's a 3 part battle; Link is still General in Modern day, so he has to purposely lead the army into a trap to "defeat" the Shieka rebels and then backstab his own army (tough) then you have a part where you have to do something as the shieka rebel leader,; I can't think of anything. Then you have to fight Gannon, who in the present day still has a triforce due to its magical powers. In this fight, Link is victorious, but the Shieka leader falls dead. In a tragic end, her dying words reveal a plot twist that sets the game up for a sequel somehow.