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No jellybean with a tunic style graphics, give me a fluid more rugged look that the fairly dark series deserves.

Make link a bit WORLDS manlier, give me some cutscenes of him flying off a bridge, grabbing the ledge with one hand, etc etc, showcase some adventure spirit and make link a non-pansy prease.

Make the story... interesting...

Bring back the awesome area's the series is trademarked with :P I want a forest maze, I want a mountain path with falling rocks, the dark rooms with invisible flooring and minimal light, etc etc.

Make the items interesting and fun to use, not just useful.

More swords :D I've always liked the thought of link being a sort of adventurer/blade master type of guy.

Make the Master Sword a melee/projectile weapon again :P

More chicks ;)

Catchier tunes.

Give link a goddamn guitar. No flutes, no ocarina's, no wands. Give him a manly acoustic XD

Make EVERYTHING epic :D Make gannons powers completely unbelievable, make a charged light arrow seem like the goddamn vector cannon from ZOE2 Explore that Japanese creativity :P

Something of the equivalent to grav boots in Ratchet series. Walking up walls is awesome. Period.

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